Counseling and outreach services for employees at LMU

Employees who experience discrimination can contact LMU's counseling and outreach services. In confidential consultations, counselors can provide you with information concerning different procedures and advise on possible courses of action.

Counseling services

LMU employees can turn to the counseling and outreach services for confidential initial advice. The anonymity of all those involved is protected to the greatest extent possible.

The counseling services help those affected to clarify their concerns and offer a solution-oriented initial consultation. The provide information about protection and possible courses of action and explain the formal complaint procedure and possible arbitration.

If necessary, they make referrals to other appropriate specialized internal or external counseling and support offices.

General counseling and outreach services

The Vice President for International Affairs and Diversity at LMU promotes the creation of framework conditions for a respectful and non-discriminatory study, research and work environment. She is actively committed to combating discrimination and is also a point of contact for those affected.


Prof. Dr. Francesca Biagini
Vice President for International Affairs and Diversity
Leopoldstraße 3
80802 Munich

LMU employees can seek support and advice from the Staff Council, which serves as their elected representative body. In accordance with Article 69, Paragraph 1c of the Bavarian Personnel Representation Act (BayPVG), the council receives suggestions and complaints from employees and works towards their resolution.


Staff Council
Schellingstraße 10
80799 Munich
Phone: +49 89 2180-2979

Further information can be found on the website of the Staff Council (Personalrat).

The LMU Munich's in-house medical services supports supervisors and individuals with management, training, and qualification responsibilities in administration, education, research, and teaching, as well as LMU employees, in implementing medical occupational safety. Together with the Safety, Health, and Sustainability Unit (SGN) and representatives from the Staff Council, BäD-Uni is part of the team at the university that advises the employer on occupational safety issues. Our joint goal is to promote the health and well-being of all employees at LMU.


LMU Munich's in-house medical services

Dr. med. Tobias Benthaus
Facharzt für Arbeitsmedizin
Goethestr. 31
80336 Munich
Phone: +49 89 2180-73904

Further information can be found on the website of the BäD-Uni.

The counseling service of the Safety, Health, and Sustainability Unit offers support for professional and personal difficulties. The assistance is available to both seeking supervisors and all employees.


Ellen von Rebeur-Paschwitz
Georgenstraße 7
80799 Munich
Phone: +49 89 2180-73913

The Representative for Severely Disabled People provides support in cases of unequal treatment due to social, environmental and technical factors. In addition, the representative ensures that special guidelines for people with severe disabilities are followed in all recruitment processes.


Markus Ludwig
Martiusstr. 4
80802 Munich
Phone: +49 89 2180-5786

Further information can be found on the website of the Representative for Severely Disabled People.

Counseling and outreach services for academic staff

Anti-Discrimination and Conflict Officers advise and support academic staff who have experienced a violation of their personal rights, in particular in the form of sexual harassment or discriminatory behavior on the grounds of race or ethnic origin, gender, religion or beliefs, disability, age or sexual identity by members of LMU.


Prof. Dr. Irene Götz
Oettingenstr. 67
80538 Munich
Phone: +49 89 2180 - 332

Prof. Dr. Andreas Ladurner
Großhaderner Str. 9
82152 Planegg-Martinsried
Phone: +49 89 2180 - 77095

The Anti-Semitism Officer at LMU provides support in the event of anti-Semitic incidents and arranges counseling and assistance.


Prof. Dr. Markus Maier
Leopoldstraße 18
80802 Munich
Phone: +49 89 2180-5214

The University Women's Representative and the Women's Representatives of the faculties ensure that disadvantages for female academics, female teaching staff and (underage) students are avoided and thus support the University in fulfilling its task of promoting the actual implementation of equal rights for women and men and working towards the elimination of existing disadvantages.


Dr. Margit Weber
Schellingstraße 10 / II
80799 Munich
Phone: +49 89 2180-3644

For more information, visit the University Women's Representative page.

Counseling and outreach services for administrative and technical staff

Anti-discrimination and Conflict Officers advise and support academic support staff who have experienced a violation of their personal rights, in particular in the form of sexual harassment or discriminatory behavior on the grounds of race or ethnic origin, gender, religion or beliefs, disability, age or sexual identity by members of LMU.


Sabine Thomas
Großhaderner Straße 9
82152 Planegg-Martinsried
Phone: +49 89 2180-75892

The Anti-Semitism Officer at LMU provides support in the event of anti-Semitic incidents and arranges counseling and assistance.


Prof. Dr. Markus Maier
Leopoldstraße 18
80802 Munich
Phone: +49 89 2180-5214

The Equal Opportunity Representatives is available to help academic support staff with questions and concerns regarding equal opportunities, gender discrimination and sexual harassment..


Viola Lind
Schellingstraße 10 / II
80799 Munich
Phone: +49 89 2180-1483

External counseling and support service of LMU

As part of the Policy for Preventing, Protecting against, and Dealing with Cases of Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Assault, an external counseling service has been established in addition to the internal support and counseling services. This service is available to anyone who has experienced discrimination by a member of LMU on university premises and ensures the highest level of confidentiality.


External counseling service of LMU

Phone: 0800 - 80100 7025

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